Global Reach
Private jets give you far more scope and opportunity to travel, serving many small airports that are inaccessible to commercial aircraft.
Did you know that in Europe business aviation has access to approximately 1400 airports, whilst commercial airlines are restricted to approximately 500 airports. In the United States the gap is even more pronounced, with over 5000 airports available to private jets compared to 500 for commercial airlines.
And when you take into account the additional accessibility that a private helicopter flights gives you to hostile or extremely remote areas, there is little doubt that flying private is far superior.
A Time Saver
We have all experienced the hectic nature of flying commercially. How many hours should you give before your flight departs? Is security going to be long? Fly private and you’re generally in the air within 15 minutes of your arrival at the airport.
The European Business Aviation Association (EBAA) reported that business aviation leads to large time savings for its travelers, saving an average of 2 hours (127 minutes) per flight over commercial aviation.
Sit Back and Relax
No stress, no cramped spaces, no waiting lines, no smelly bathrooms! Just sit back relax or perhaps work on your laptop? Arrive at your destination fully refreshed and raring to go.
Private jets contribute only 2% of the total carbon emissions from aviation and about 0.04% of the total global emissions.
Both manufacturers and operators are making a conscious decision to further reduce carbon emissions. The private aviation industry has been working tirelessly on green solutions, including sustainable fuel alternatives.
Gulfstream Aerospace has been testing sustainable fuels for nearly a decade. This year 23 of 58 private jets that were displayed at a business aviation trade show in Geneva arrived powered by such.