Another successful private jet charter departure for Sentinel Aviation. A group of 30 very excited clients left Farnborough for Monaco to watch the Grand Prix on Sunday. What better way to start the trip than flying private. The aircraft is an Embraer ERJ135, seats 30, with a max speed of 825 km/h and reach of 3240 km.
Renowned for its durability and high dispatch rate, the ERJ-135 transports up to 30 passengers in a well-appointed, largest-in-class cabin that is also one of the quietest. Embraer’s philosophy of thinking differently has created an aircraft with wide-ranging appeal – and one that makes for an intelligent choice for fast, reliable and comfortable travel anywhere in the world. Durable, reliable and built specifically for lower demand markets, the ERJ135 delivers high performance, high speed and excellent range capacity to open new routes.
The aircraft shares 98% parts and systems commonality, as well as crew rating, with the other members of the ERJ-135 / 140 / 145 family. The aircraft has a circular cross section fuselage, rear mounted high by-pass ratio engines, low mounted swept wings and a T-tailplane. The wings are of two spar wing design with a third spar to support the landing gear. The wing leading edges are made of aluminium.
The cockpit is fitted with an all-glass Honeywell Primus 1000 digital avionics suite with dual digital air data computers, dual attitude, heading and reference system (AHRS), a traffic alert and collision avoidance system (TCAS) and a ground proximity warning system (GPWS).
The aircraft has two rear-mounted Rolls-Royce engines mounted on pylons, supplied by Sonaca of Belgium. International Nacelle Systems supplies the engine nacelles and the optional clamshell thrust reversers. The engines are fitted with full authority digital engine control and the engine air intakes are fitted with an engine bleed air anti-icing system.
Thanks again for all involved. As always, we truly appreciate all the hard work that goes on behind the scenes.
If you’re planning a trip, whether for business or pleasure, why not let Sentinel Aviation help you get there. Our private charter team will ensure a seamless door-to-door service, meticulously planned and overseen from inception until well after landing.
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