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Bespoke Snacks, Comfortable Seats, Dedicated Security Lines – The Benefits of Private Jet Travel

Justine Harrington from Town & Country – Reports

Bespoke snacks, comfortable seats, and dedicated security lines are just the beginning.

Sure, you understand the benefits of flying private. There’s flexibility, security, and autonomy. But it’s so more than that. There’s more direct access to remote destinations and less travel time, plus the planes are actually better for the environment.

Take the Airbus A321, for example, designed exclusively for smaller group sizes. It boasts just 52 custom Italian leather flatbed seats with full bedding and hospital-grade air filtration among other amenities—all while burning 30 percent less fuel than its competitors. Surely you know what you won’t get (screaming babies and sore knees), but maybe not everything you will get with a private jet vacation. Here are key benefits for taking flight with these industry experts.

No Wasted Time
With commercial air travel, you can lose hours of vacation time to tedious boarding procedures, lengthy layovers, and delays. Just jetting between two cities in the U.S. can take the better part of a day. But with private jet travel, you’ll get to your destination in significantly less time thanks to a variety of factors. When TCS World Travel experts duplicated their flagship Around the World itinerary on commercial airlines, they concluded that you’d need to tack on an extra 10 days to replicate the 24-day journey. For instance, to get to all of the destinations via commercial airline, it would take 26 flights versus 15 direct flights with TCS. The company also calculated that to take this trip commercially, you’d spend 74 hours waiting in the airport during layovers.

Ultimate Flexibility
Flying private guarantees the ability to travel whenever best suits your schedule. Conveniently, a private jet charter company has the ability to reroute (or reschedule) a trip if conditions in the destination change or you’re forced to alter your plans. Flying commercial, on the other hand, comes with a host of obstacles. You have to abide by set departure and landing times, and you also run the risk of missing your flight over some road traffic—or having your flight canceled altogether.

Direct Access to More Destinations
Whether you want to visit idyllic islands in the South Pacific, see ancient wonders in Jordan, or taste your way through Mexico City’s vibrant food scene, there’s no end to the places you can discover via private air travel. In fact, because private jets are able to land at smaller airports and take direct routes to their destinations, you’ll get where you’re going more efficiently. The Airbus A321 can soar for eight hours of uninterrupted travel time. By comparison, not only do commercial airlines have limited route networks, but nonstop flights are largely limited to hubs. For example, on TCS World Travel’s Around the World trip, travelers fly direct from Peru to Chile’s Easter Island—whereas most commercial flights to this remote locale go through Santiago.

A More Streamlined Experience
From the moment you board your flight, everything is taken care of for you. Not only do you not have to present identification or have your luggage scanned, but once you land, your bags will be directly transferred to your hotel room. And when it comes to customs, staff prefill all forms at every stop, so all you have to do is sign. On board, there’s an in-flight emergency-room trained physician in addition to the specialized flight crew.

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