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£20 million Helipad for Sale!

£20 million helipad for sale. You may think a little expensive, but they’ve thrown in a free Cotswolds Manor House and 56 acres!

Owning and operating a private helipad can be difficult, because there are many things to consider when designing and building one. Not only is it important to have a well-designed and functional private helipad, but you also need to make sure that you’re in compliance with all relevant regulations. And if something goes wrong, you’ll want to have an experienced team of professionals on your side.

Because each type of helicopter has different performance characteristics it is not possible to be precise about the exact requirements for a landing site but, as a general guide, a flat area of ground about the size of two tennis courts should be adequate to take the smaller types. If possible helicopters should be able to take-off and make their approach into wind. There should also be no obstructions in the immediate vicinity of take-off and approach paths e.g. trees, power lines, buildings etc. It is the pilot’s responsibility to ensure that the layout of a landing site is within the performance capability of his or her helicopter.Under Part 4, Class B of Schedule 2 of the Town and Country Planning General Development Order 1988, helicopters are permitted to take off and land at temporary sites provided the site is not used for more than 28 days in any one calendar year. The operator must also have permission from the owner of the site.

Helicopters may operate from the gardens of private houses without planning consent provided the landing site is within the curtilage of the property. Even though an owner of a property may also own an adjoining field, its use as a landing site would require planning consent as the field falls into the category of open land. Helicopter operations from it would constitute a change to the conditions of use requiring planning consent. However the field could be used under the rules for temporary sites i.e. for not more than 28 days in any one calendar year.

Although planning consent is not normally required for helicopter operations from private property, the construction of hard standing eg. a concrete landing surface as well as the installation of landing lights and the erection of a hangar or barn in which to house the helicopter, may be regarded as development by the local planning authority for which planning consent would be required.

Generally, planning consent is not required for helicopter operations from commercial premises such as factories, offices and hotels where these are ancillary to the principal use of the land. However, should the size of a helicopter operation overtake that of the original business, it could be seen to constitute a change in the conditions of use in which case planning consent would be required.

All landing sites located in urban and congested areas, whether they be permanent, temporary or private require the prior written permission of the CAA before they can operate.

Sentinel Aviation offers comprehensive aviation consulting services that will help you navigate the complex world of private helipads. We’ll work with you every step of the way to ensure that your helipad meets all safety requirements and is designed for optimal functionality. If you’re considering a helipad, please get in touch.

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